South Park - Bring You Down By The Fire Do Have A Cave, A Place To Go, An Escape...when You're Done Caring?

Do have a cave, a place to go, an escape...when you're done caring? - south park - bring you down by the fire

The rain was hovering in the leaves, drowned, bending the light that fire. The rocks around the mouth, took a high polish, precision cooling in contact. Cans collected his kitchen and went into the cave. The road was not yet ripe with plants, ferns, shrubs, tangled clusters of sumac red cherry, maple, and sporadic fighting hang its branches around the small clearing. The sweeping the thick, deep green, open up closer to his house for 2 years. A place he called home not out of necessity, but by the will. If the world had become too deep sorrow and profound reflection of the men came here in the woods again, to wipe away dirt has been stifled by their pores and blood levels of his heart, filled his soul was black with indifference. I loved the attention of people around him. Foreigners, on-line supermarket, the woman who served him his coffee every morning, children on the street every day, the bags full of books that day "s history on his eyes, eyes that this was added all laid without knowing, not learning he was looking for. But the task of nursing has become unbearable for him.

Once I saw a man in his car in the middle of an intersection to die in the middle. The man was in the passenger seat to open the head and extended by the collision with the windshield. It was so that he include in the truck without touching it. A woman was dragged from his rear window holding a cell phone, hand-punching in numbers, his words mixed up and broken by the new shape of the mouth. People were screaming all around, shouted the man in the truck to talk to them and said his name, you say, where he was wounded. A siren sounded its warning in the stuffy air of the city, the sound of the age of 10 blocks south of the accident. I knew this man was dead. He stood motionless, like many people who move him physically brushed off the streets. He stood in the crowd and saw the wound that the glass was added to the head of the deceased. The rush of excitement, confusionIons, anxiety, panic, sadness, frustration, but none of them saw the dead in the van. He left his bag near the front wheel of the limousine and walked the 4 blocks back to his apartment. A robin hopped into a fountain in the park, and smiled in greeting as he whistled to himself he did not recall that ever heard.

Now, lying in bed cold of the cave, cried as the rain stops, a rain of several hours the sun at the end of the fall of the drops when they took broke through the trees in the distance. The opening of the cave was a curtain of water, which was rolling in the mud cracks and flowed silently into the gorge was in the forest floor. A wave of air filtered through him, cooling his sleep. His dreams have been through the wind in the cave, a wind that brought all the memories of her past, images of destroyed the lives of her dancing in the dark.


Gone by by said...

I can not ... I can not comment. This hit home, my friend, too close to home.

Gone by by said...

I can not ... I can not comment. This hit home, my friend, too close to home.

J£W£LinD... said...

Fantastic interior monologue that .....
(¯ `v '¯)
. · ♥ .¸.·'
¸.·'¸.·'¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·' (¸. · ♥ '♥

J£W£LinD... said...

Fantastic interior monologue that .....
(¯ `v '¯)
. · ♥ .¸.·'
¸.·'¸.·'¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·' (¸. · ♥ '♥

t_blond chick said...

I hide in my room with the door closed, or go sit in the same rocky beach, where people do not want to go and admire the mountains of the mainland.

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